Saturday 28 June 2014

Grand Canyon

As I said, this is a place I've always wanted to go, and I have to say, NOTHING about the Grand Canyon disappointed - it was every bit as spectacular, beautiful, colourful and amazing as I'd hoped it would be. The weather was perfect  and visibility was great.  I laughed at the sign on the rangers' office at the entrance to the national park. Entrance fees to all of the national parks have been $25, but at this one was a photo of the canyon covered in cloud and fog and a big sign saying, "No refunds for poor visibility" - people must have asked!!

We found our latest log cabin and unloaded the car again before taking off for a walk around the rim near the lodge - we stayed at the north rim of the canyon - a little more remote than the south apparently, but I'm pleased with our choice - the northern rim is higher than the south and the views are wonderful. It would have been 203 miles to drive from north to south, so north rim perfect!! Damian had a sleep while I took the kids for a walk and a thousand photos. When we got back Damian woke and we drove for about an hour to 3 amazing vantage points, ending at Cape Royal. It was a bit windy there too, but so peaceful and amazing.  They had great nature trail signs explaining the flora and fauna and how the Indians used different plants for medications. Finbarr wanted to pick the sage bushes because the sign told us how the Indians used it for colds, stomach bugs etc - everything we have!! I'll add some photos but it's best to see in person I'm afraid.

(And no, we did not find Bobby and Cindy)...

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