Today we did a self-guided walking tour of the Boston Freedom Trail. It was a great way to explore the historically significant sites of Boston where we
learnt about important events in the American colonists' efforts to gain independence from Great Britain. We saw graveyards, churches, a historic navy frigate, Bunker Hill, Faneuil Hall, Paul Revere's house, and a memorial to the Irish famine and settlement in Boston, amongst other things. It was an easy and very interesting walk - about 4km altogether (though it was really hot and humid) and I have to say I was left with the impression that the early Bostonians were a feisty lot. They weren't prepared to take taxes and rules imposed by the Brits and they certainly shaped what the USA of today is. Damian is now committed to saying, "Give me liberty or give me death".
We finished the day with a trip to Harvard, so now I can say I went to Harvard (and I'm sticking to that story). A storm hit us this afternoon so we didn't get to explore much but we did find the law school and some great t-shirts taking the mickey out of the Boston accent eg. I went to Harvahrd to make me Smartah.
We're really enjoying a Boston - such a different place from New York - much smaller, much friendlier, and just so lovely to walk around. It really is a very pretty place.
Tonight we had dinner at Altantic Fish Co where Damian got his fix of Lobster. Sadly he wasn't able to have the much anticipated clam chowder (not gluten free) but he was very happy with his food. The kids had fish and chips and Em and I had salmon - all delicious.

Paul Revere's house
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