Monday 14 July 2014

Sunday 13th July - Boston here we come!!

We were up and at Penn Station with over an hour to spare to catch our train and nearly had a disaster. Despite the very helpful lady at the Amtrak station telling me that our electronic tickets were all we needed (and what got us to NYC from Washington on the same service), with 10 minutes left to go we were trying to get thought the crowd to the platform and were refused entrance because we didn't have a printed version!! I desperately ran to the ticket window to have a lovely but very
S-L-O-W man print the tickets one by one. I then had to bolt back to the family, throw the tickets at the lady, fly down the escalator with our luggage and run along the platform to be the very last people on the train. It also took us about 10km before we made our way though the train with all of our luggage to find a spot where we could actually sit.  A nice relaxing start to our day - not!!!

4 hours later we found ourselves in Boston, Massachusetts, and it's love at first site.  What a pretty, pretty place to be, and after the crowds and dirt and heat of NYC, it's just so peaceful and lovely.  We found our way to our hotel - a quick walk from the Back Bay train station -  dropped our bags and had a walk through the Commonwealth Avenue Mall, Public Gardens, and Boston Common. Finbarr had a play in the playground there and we wandered around Beacon Hill to look at the very inexpensive real estate - gorgeous homes and tree lined avenues.  We also made our way to the Back Bay to see it, then headed home for some dinner at a casual spot in the bustling Newbury Street. First impressions of Boston are great!!

Beautiful Boston 

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