Saturday 5 July 2014

Saturday 5th July - New York, New York

Today was the perfect day to head to NYC - Washington was a very sleepy town today after 4th July celebrations. It was also another beautiful day so the train trip from DC to NYC was great, passing through the edges of Baltimore and Philadelphia before seeing the New York skyline - very exciting!!

We arrived at Penn Station at around 2pm, made our way to our next accommodation spot and got ready to explore. A quick trip around the local neighbourhood gave us the chance to pretend to orient ourselves in this huge place. We're staying in midtown - East 50th and 3rd - great location and plenty to see (and shop at) right next door!!

I last came to NYC at 21 years of age (yes, so about 5 years ago) and I have to say the city has such a different (and vastly improved) feel now. As 3 young girls travelling, people kept warning us not to look at anyone in the eye, not to speak to anyone etc and we really didn't feel safe. The city is a much friendlier place now - we'll still be careful and age has definitely given me a different and more confident perspective, but I'm excited to be here, whereas last time I was just a bit too scared to enjoy it.

We went to our hotel's free wine hour with our friend Mel (while her husband Dion jetted off to Atlanta for a family reunion). Of all the hotels in NYC, we'd both coincidentally picked the same one, on the same dates, so Finbarr is in heaven with his friend Tom here, and we made the most of it by all getting to know the New York subway and finding our way to Chinatown for a fantastic fresh and delicious Chinese feed at Peking Duck. We're really lucky to have a pile of recommendations from Jan and Charles Sullivan, but this one came from a friend of Damian's - a real live New Yorker. Good thing because we'd never have known to go here - yum!!

A quick trip back home passing Little Italy and home to bed ready to explore tomorrow - can't wait!!
I bribed Finbarr with the promise of a much wanted pretzel if he practised his sight words!! 

Rockerfeller Centre

Peking Duck for dinner - so delicious!!

Little Italy, New York. 

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