Wednesday 2 July 2014

Wednesday 2nd July - The Smithsonian

So far Washington is great. A very different pace from Las Vegas, and a very different crowd (thank goodness).  We're staying in a great spot - DuPont Circle, right near the Embassies - an older, established and lovely part of town, but with a younger crowd moving in, meaning lots of good restaurants and cafés.

Our legs are aching after a huge day exploring the a Smithsonian - Air and Space was the first stop.  There were endless things to see here, so we did a guided tour for 1.5 hours to see the highlights.  So many things here
 - the Apollo 11 Command Capsule which brought Neil Armstrong, Buzz Aldren and Michael Collins back to earth after their mission to the moon.

The spacesuits worn on the moon mission.

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