Thursday 3 July 2014

National Gallery of Art

For the rest of the afternoon, Damian and I were very keen to go to the National Gallery of Art, while the kids were not so keen.  They wanted to go to the Newseum - a 6 story collection of exhibits about news, including part of the Berlin Wall, 9-11 items etc.  The kids loved it and we loved the art gallery - everybody happy!!

We were amazed that you are actually allowed to take photos in this gallery, so when in Rome...
We were also amazed that this has the most wonderful and vast collection of artwork, including Monet, Manet, Renoir, Cezanne, Pisarro, Toulouse Lautrec, Titian, Picasso, American Artists and a special exhibit of Mary Cassatt and Degas, and the museum was practically empty - great tip from Jan Sullivan thank you!! There are just so many things to see and do in Washington that this gallery seems to be overlooked - and it's all free!!!
 So I will treat you to a few of the paintings we saw up close and with no one obstructing our views!! Fabulous!!!

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