Wednesday 16 July 2014

Wednesday 16th July - to the Happiest Place on Earth!

Today we reluctantly farewelled Boston (especially as it was another early start - at the airport by 6.15am!).  However, even our sleepiest were happy to get up today as we were heading to California - finally off to Disneyland.  It was a 6 hour flight, and we've gained 3 hours again so we are a bit confused about timing!

Disneyland proclaims to be the "Happiest Place on Earth" and it really tries to live up to this. From the minute we walked in we were smiling from ear to ear - whether watching the excitement of the kids, or just thoroughly enjoying it ourselves (and reliving past memories of earlier visits), we just had a wonderful afternoon and evening.  We got on quite a few rides, watched the grand parade, had dinner at "Big Thunder Ranch" and then watched the beautiful fireworks display from our hotel.

So much fun and it's only just begun! We can't wait to get back there tomorrow!

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