Thursday 10 July 2014

Thursday 10th July

The 9-11 memorial was on our list today. We set off via subway (we're getting pretty good at them now) and found our way there. Unfortunately we hadn't per booked tickets for the museum so think we'll go back tomorrow as the line was at least 1-2 hours worth.  We still viewed the memorial fountains and saw the local fire station, and also the new building being constructed for the world trade centre.  It's going to be the tallest building in America, and I have to say while it looks amazing, I would feel very reluctant to work in or visit the building.  Some New Yorkers we've spoken to feel the same way.  The site was very moving and just so sad - hard to believe it was 13 years ago when it's so fresh in everyone's memories.

On a much lighter note, we went for lunch at the famous Katz Deli - operating since 1888 (maybe with some of the same staff?!) and famous for its pastrami and rye sandwich,  and it's slogan of "Send a salami to your boy in the army". It was also the location of the best-known scene of "When Harry Met Sally" - they even have a sign pointing over the table where they sat for the scene.

This evening Damian and I got tickets for "Book of Mormon" - a musical off Broadway.  Completely irreverent, particularly rude, silly and absolutely hilarious is how I'd describe it.  I wouldn't recommend it for everyone but certainly for a lot of people!! There were some children in the audience tonight - so completely inappropriate, and I'd love to hear the conversations in their households when they got home!!  A great laugh anyway and lots of fun!

We're starting to panic a bit at only 2 days and nights left in NYC - we've been so lucky to see so much,  but we're still hoping to squeeze in some more!!

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